FWP Wedding Photos

This is what we do.


For our #TBT post we present Katie and James: A gorgeous couple and a wonderful day!


Hey all! Whenever anyone finishes off a big project they usually have a wealth of hard won knowledge. Knowledge that they often wish they had possessed when they started. Planning a wedding is no different. After the bouquet is tossed, the dress stored and the honeymoon…am…mooned (?) every bride has a nice grab bag of tips for the […]

wonder woman

So, anyone who knows me will know that I am a nerd. I own a sonic screwdriver, I have Hermione’s wand,  I have a Captain Kirk T-shirt (original series not reboot), My SMS tone is BB-8 chattering away, I know who the Winchesters are and Benedict Cumberbatch is a demigod (although he can’t say penguin […]


Alanda & Shane had a beautiful summery wedding, to check out their slide show go to our facebook page  or click the pic below.


Michelle and Russell are two of our best friends so it seemed natural that they would hire us to take their wedding photos. It was double duty for me as I was also a bridesmaid! Singlefile winery in Denmark was the perfect setting for the vintage inspired wedding theme that Michelle had painstakingly put together. […]


So, like many women, I have a bit of a shoe thing going on. I particularly like vintage or rockabiliy shoes and sometimes even goth. But lets face it, if its cute and pretty I will probably want it (I think I just heard my husband groan). Recently I stumbled across the quirkiest wedding line […]


So, you have booked a great wedding photographer (perhaps, even Filip Welna Photography, you lucky people with fabulous taste ;-)). To ensure great wedding photos this is half the battle, but if you really want to maximize the great shots, there are a few things you can do to help. Choosing great locations for your […]


We design so many gorgeous albums, so its probably about time we shared some excerpts from our efforts. These are a few pages from Cat and Mike’s Wedding day. Cat’s uncle has some really sweet classic cars which we couldn’t help but use to full effect in the album. The day was truly awesome! Check […]


A couple of nights ago I was re-watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (who isn’t a fan!) when I noticed Fleur’s beautiful and unique wedding dress. While we don’t get that much screen time for it I though it worth bring to any budding brides-to-be, particularly if they don’t want the whole traditional white […]


Just a quick note, this is the pic used in the thank you card for one of our recent weddings! Looking good Jemma and Sam 🙂